metalink doc. about ORA-01000 error
Monitoring Open Cursors & Troubleshooting ORA-1000 Errors
Doc ID:
Modified Date:
"Checked for relevance on 08-Oct-2007"
This article contains information on how different cursors are managed and
monitored in PL/SQL. It addresses issues with the open_cursors parameter,
as well as the v$open_cursor view in the context of implicit, declared, and
dynamic cursors.
Monitoring and Managing Open Cursors
The number of open cursors can limit operation in PL/SQL procedures and
SQL*Plus sessions. While the parameter open_cursors sets the limit,
programming issues can cause the following error:
ORA-1000 maximum open cursors exceeded
Three important values are the following:
o init.ora parameter open_cursors
o v$open_cursor view
o v$sysstat view
These values are similar, but differ in their accounting of Dynamic Cursors.
Note: Dynamic cursors are those opened using dbms_sql.open_cursor().
The means to compute those values are as follows:
>>> View v$open_cursor
'select count(*) from v$open_cursor' =>
implicit cursors used +
distinct explicit cursors opened +
dynamic cursors PARSED and NOT CLOSED.
- Accumulates dynamic cursors PARSED and NOT CLOSED over a session
- Available to system/manager
- Includes the text of open cursors - helpful for debugging
- Since this view does not track unparsed (but opened) dynamic cursors,
the count(*) may not show all cursors that count against open_cursors.
>>> View v$sysstat
'select value from v$sysstat where statistic# = 3' =>
implicit cursors used +
distinct explicit cursors opened +
dynamic cursors OPENED.
- Accumulates dynamic cursors OPENED and NOT CLOSED over a session
- Available to system/manager
- Since this view does track unparsed (but opened) dynamic cursors,
the statistic#3 shows all cursors that count against open_cursors.
>>> init.ora parameter open_cursors =
implicit cursors used +
distinct explicit cursors opened +
dynamic cursors OPENED.
- Accumulates dynamic cursors OPENED and NOT CLOSED over a session
The following are several items to check when encountering ORA-1000 in
1. Be sure that all dbms_sql cursors opened at DECLARE time are closed.
Every unclosed OPEN counts against open_cursors. The number of open
cursors can be determined as follows in SQL*Plus:
select value from v$sysstat where statistic# = 3
2. Be aware that v$open_cursor only tracks the CUMULATIVE number of
implicit + distinct explicit cursors in the procedure PLUS unclosed
dynamic cursors that have been PARSED in the session.
Note: It does not include any dynamic cursors that were opened but
not parsed.
The text of the parsed, open cursors can be determined as follows
in SQL*Plus:
select sql_text from v$open_cursor
3. Dynamic cursors persist from run-to-run in a session, but are not
closeable after a procedure has completed. This can accumulate and
error-out with open_cursors after a number of runs. They will not
appear in v$open_cursors after a session.
The following are two code snippets that can help diagnose ORA-1000. Text
lines are shown for each cursor.
-- snippet 1
cursor opencur is select * from v$open_cursor;
ccount number;
select count(*) into ccount from v$open_cursor;
dbms_output.put_line(' Num cursors open is 'ccount);
ccount := 0;
-- get text of open/parsed cursors
for vcur in opencur loop
ccount := ccount + 1;
dbms_output.put_line(' Cursor #'ccount);
dbms_output.put_line(' text: ' vcur.sql_text);
end loop;
-- snippet 2
select value, name from v$sysstat where statistic# in (2,3);
Related Information
"Oracle 8i Reference [Data Dictionary]", (A67790-01) page 3-70, page 3-119